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dungeons and dragons characters

Ready Your Dice! PETA’s Dungeons and Dragons Subclasses Will Rock Your Realm

Paladin Character from PETA's Dungeons and Dragons Subclasses

Paladin Subclass

“A paladin vows to protect all sentient beings, championing their freedom and challenging any force that seeks to oppress or harm them.”

Ranger Character from PETA's Dungeons and Dragons Subclasses

Ranger Subclass

“Warden of the Wild rangers devote themselves to shielding animals from harm, acting as guardians of nature’s balance. They stand against those who exploit or endanger animals.”

Druid Character from PETA's Dungeons and Dragons Subclasses

Druid Subclass

“If empathy for all living beings fades, the world will unravel, torn asunder by cruelty and lost to the discord that separates us from the natural order.”

Wolf and owl illustration for PETA's Dungeons and Dragons Subclasses

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