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Help End Experiments on Animals at Colleges

At colleges and universities across the nation, animals are being abused.

Often on the taxpayers’ dime, these institutions imprison millions of animals and squander billions of dollars each year to conduct cruel experiments that cause immense pain and are irrelevant to human health.

You can make a difference for animals suffering in university laboratories today.

Read on to learn more, or click the TAKE ACTION button below to start contacting multiple colleges and universities right now.

Help End Experiments on Animals at Colleges | Take Action Today

Right now, animals in university laboratories are being mutilated, poisoned, deprived of food and water, forcibly immobilized in restraint devices, infected with painful and deadly diseases, burned, electrocuted, irradiated, addicted to drugs, and psychologically tortured. Studies published in prestigious medical journals have shown time and again that animal experimentation wastes precious resources and lives—both animal and human. More than 90 percent of basic research, most of which involves experiments on animals, fail to lead to treatments for humans. Yet, around the world, millions of animals continue to be killed after being used in experiments.

Here are just a few examples of the ways in which animals are suffering in college and university labs:

A cat at UW Madison who has a device on their head and is being experimented on.

First at Tufts University and Yale University and then at Louisiana State University, notorious experimenter Christine Lattin has confined wild sparrows to cloth bags, rolled them around rapidly on a cart so that they couldn’t perch (a disorienting and terrifying experience for these already frightened animals), cut into their legs, fed some birds crude oil, and killed them. She now works at Louisiana State University. Her cruel and wasteful experiments are inapplicable to both humans and other birds.

The University of Delaware’s Tania Roth claims to be studying child abuse by tormenting rats. She has forced alcohol down their throats, injected them with opioids, electrically shocked them, and even taken newborns away from their mothers and given them to other rats who were unable to care for them.

Experimentation using animals persists because of archaic habits, resistance to change, and a lack of outreach and education, but the path toward real science lies in human-relevant alternatives that are more effective and humane. Click here to learn more.

To start taking action today to help animals used in experiments at colleges and universities, complete the PETA Action Alerts at the bottom of this page.

Help End Experiments on Animals at Colleges | Take Action Today

—Take Action Now—

You can help cats, dogs, birds, mice, monkeys, and all animals who are harmed and traumatized in experiments at higher-learning institutions.

Using the form below, you’ll be able to urge numerous colleges and universities to do the right thing by ending cruel tests on animals and focusing on humane, animal-free research methods.

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Tell Louisiana State University to Forbid the Torment of Birds

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