‘Here Kitty, Kitty’
A string of violent and cruel crimes against cats left alone outside—including poisonings, shootings, burnings, and beatings—is plaguing the U.S. That’s why PETA’s asking everyone to keep cats where they belong: safe inside.
Watch the Compelling ‘Here Kitty, Kitty’ Video—Featuring Actor Jaeden Martell, Star of It: Chapter Two and Arcadian—Below to Learn More:
“Here Kitty, Kitty” depicts just four examples of real-life cat killings from across the U.S. to encourage cat guardians everywhere to keep their feline companions inside.
This video will surely serve as a wake-up call for anyone who thinks these types of cases are rare. In fact, PETA receives emergency calls about incidents of cruelty to “outdoor cats” nearly every day of the year. This video will discourage viewers who let their cats outside from continuing to do so.

People who let cats outdoors without supervision leave them vulnerable to the dangers of cruel people as well as cars, other animals, and diseases.
“Outdoor cats” left to roam outside by negligent owners or turned away from shelters with “no-kill” policies are often poisoned, shot, set on fire, trapped, or drowned.
In 2024 alone, news outlets reported that cats had been shot in towns including Gloucester, Virginia, and Panama City Beach, Florida. In Pompano Beach, Florida, a woman was charged with cruelty to animals for trapping an apparently homeless cat and setting the animal on fire. A man in Walton County, Florida, allegedly drowned a trapped cat in a small lake or pond at a park. A Blaine, Minnesota, landlord was charged with cruelty to animals after poisoning cats who were being fed by a tenant. In El Paso, Texas, a man was arrested after stabbing a cat to death with a screwdriver.
These are just a few examples of some of the horrible fates that have recently befallen stray, feral, and free-roaming cats. Countless others have died frightened and alone under porches or behind dumpsters, without anyone ever noticing what became of them.
Cats Deserve to Be Happy, Healthy, and Safe Indoors
Catios (patios for cats) allow felines to explore the outdoors safely. These enclosed structures offer cats an enriching experience while protecting them and wildlife. With PETA’s detailed, step-by-step guide, you can have a new catio up and ready for your cat in just one weekend.
Cats also can be given opportunities to explore outside under supervision—just like dogs. For example, they can be taken for walks on leashes that are attached to a secure harness designed specifically for cats or ride in the comfort of a cat stroller. But just like dogs, children, or any other dependent—they should never be left alone to fend for themselves amid the dangers of the outdoors.

Here’s What You Can Do
In an ideal world, all cats would be cared for by compassionate people.
We owe it to our animal companions to make their lives as comfortable and fulfilling as possible, which means always keeping cats safe and happy inside.