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PETA's Top 10 Action Alerts for Animals This Month

Participating in PETA’s action alerts is one of the easiest and most effective ways to get active for animals online. Every year, tens of millions of people—like you—come together to target abusers and help animals who are suffering when used for food, fashion, experiments, or entertainment. From this page, you’ll be able to take action on the 10 most urgent PETA alerts this month.

Together, we can win these campaigns and get animals out of harm’s way. Get started now.

PETA’s 10 Most Urgent Action Alerts This Month | Take Action Today
PETA’s 10 Most Urgent Action Alerts This Month | Take Action Today

Month after month, PETA supporters win victories for animals. Getting circuses to go animal-free, persuading brands to drop fur and other animal-derived materials, ending cruel and irrelevant experiments on animals—PETA action alerts help accomplish all this and much more.

We need the help of dedicated people who care about animals to make these victories possible. If you want to be an all-star for animals, there are many other ways to get more involved. Follow PETA on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube to stay up to date on our latest campaigns; subscribe to PETA’s news to get weekly updates on our efforts; download PETA’s iPhone app and join PETA’s Text List for Animals to help animals from the palm of your hand; and take action on the 10 urgent action alerts below. Remember to bookmark this page and return regularly, as the alerts will change every month.

PETA’s 10 Most Urgent Action Alerts This Month | Take Action Today

—Take Action Now—

There are multiple opportunities to help.  As soon as you complete one action alert below, another will appear in its place.

After you enter your information, just keep clicking the “Send Message” button until you’ve completed them all. Once you’ve taken every action, be sure to share this page with your friends, family members, and social media followers. Encourage them to join you in taking action to help animals, this and every month.

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Sheep Left With Bloody, Gaping Wounds. Urge These Companies to Ban Wool

Urge companies to choose kindness—not cruelty—by refusing to sell wool!
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