PETA Scored Major Animal Rights Victories in 2017

2017 was another landmark year for PETA, the world’s largest animal rights organization. Our demonstrations, ad campaigns, and social media engagement continue to draw attention to animal issues, and our investigations, corporate work, legal efforts, youth outreach, and other activities help us stop animal suffering around the globe. Watch this video to see our inspiring accomplishments from the past year:
Our dedicated action has driven supporters to take a stand by going vegan, making other cruelty-free choices, and calling on companies and governments to eliminate animal suffering in all its forms. Each victory, no matter how big or small, helps animals and inspires others to consider their own actions and how they can make the world better for all living, feeling beings. Every year, we get closer to a world in which no animals are abused for food, clothing, experiments, entertainment, or any other reason.If you want to stay up to date on all of PETA’s work in the new year and beyond, be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Make your generous donation, and stand up for animals in 2018!
Millions of sentient beings suffer and die senselessly every year. A gift to PETA supports investigations of cruel industries, demonstrations against animal abuse, and campaigns—all designed to improve the lives of animals.