PETA Reveals

PETA Reveals videos change lives. You’ll hear from a laboratory investigations specialist who learned how to stand up to big corporations by watching a caged monkey’s attempt to stop another’s abuse, an attorney pushing the boundaries of the law to establish fundamental animal rights, an eyewitness investigator who saw shearers abuse sheep on two continents, and seven others who stopped to consider the shocking ways in which animals are abused and neglected.
This new documentary series highlights powerful stories from 10 individuals who recognized animal suffering and became determined to act instead of maintaining the status quo. Activists aren’t born. They’re made. After watching all 10 of these stories, you may be left wondering what took you so long to act. Watch now:
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These activists stepped out of their comfort zones to discover that they could effect real change for animals by making compassionate choices as simple as going vegan, attending protests, speaking up when they saw injustice, and persuading others to do the same.
If these videos inspired you, imagine what they could do for your friends and family. Share your favorite one to reach countless future activists.
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