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PETA Releases New Roadmap for Research Modernization NOW

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Experiments on animals are cruel and unethical, but did you know they don’t reliably lead to treatments and cures for humans?

The most recent independent study shows that a staggering 90% of basic research, most of which involves animals, fails to lead to treatments for humans. Yet the biggest funder of research in the world, the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH), spends nearly half its annual budget on experiments on animals. That was $23 billion down the drain in 2023.

Why is so much of the taxpayer-funded research budget wasted on experiments that overwhelmingly fail?

We need a better way—and PETA scientists have come up with it. Research Modernization NOW outlines a strategy for optimizing our nation’s investment in research to cure disease—by ending funding for strategies that don’t work (i.e., experiments on animals) and investing in research that’s relevant to humans. In 2021, after PETA entities presented the this plan to members of the European Parliament, that body passed (almost unanimously) a resolution calling on the European Commission to create an action plan to end all experiments on animals.

The U.S. is in urgent need of such a plan. So PETA U.S. has released a new and improved roadmap: Research Modernization NOW, a blueprint for revitalizing biomedical research. We need your help to put the plan into action.

NIH has failed to take effective steps to address the following problems:

  • Ninety-five percent of all new drugs that test safe and effective in animal tests fail in human clinical trials, most because they don’t work or actually turn out to be dangerous.
  • The failure rate of new drugs developed using animals in specific disease research areas exceeds 95%. Here are a few examples.
    • HIV vaccine—100%
    • Stroke—100%
    • Sepsis—100%
    • Alzheimer’s disease—99.6%
    • Cancer—96.6%
  • Animals are heavily used in preclinical studies, and up to 89% of such studies can’t be reproduced, even though reproducibility is a critical component of scientific research.

Consider this: 5.8 million Americans live with Alzheimer’s disease. But treatments that have appeared promising in mice simply haven’t worked in humans. The U.S. is expected to spend $1.1 trillion on research for Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia by 2050—but if we stick with our current path, most of that money will be wasted on cruel and pointless experiments on animals. No cure for humans is in sight.

This disastrous boondoggle throws good money after bad. Reliance on animal models is diverting funds from more promising areas of research and delaying the development of effective drugs and treatments.

The majority of Americans oppose animal experiments. A 2018 Pew Research Center poll found that most Americans (52%) oppose the use of animals in experimentation. People who continue to support it—who are in the minority—assume that the harm to animals is outweighed by the benefits to humans. But now we know that experiments on animals don’t actually help humans.

What’s Research Modernization NOW About?

PETA’s Research Modernization NOW maps out a strategy for replacing the use of animals in experiments with human-relevant methods. It includes the following:

  • Eliminating the use of animals immediately in areas where they have already shown to be poor surrogates for humans
  • Critically reviewing additional areas of research to determine where animal use can be phased out
  • Redirecting funds from experiments on animals to non-animal research
  • Introducing an ethical harm-benefit analysis system into U.S. policies governing the use of animals in biomedical research
  • Educating and training scientists in non-animal research approaches

Compassion and scientific breakthroughs aren’t mutually exclusive. Good science and sound ethics can propel us toward the shared goal of better health.

It’s Time for Research Modernization NOW!

What Congress Says

In September 2019, U.S. Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard (D-Calif.) confronted NIH—the largest funder worldwide of experiments on animals—about its failure to keep and make public a basic inventory of the number and species of animals it uses in experimentation. She called on the agency to count the animals and provide a plan to reduce the number it uses. See her letter to then–NIH Director Francis Collins.

Small beagle looking at viewer

In February 2022, Rep. Nancy Mace (R-S.C.) and Rep. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.) sent a letter signed by eight members of Congress to NIH Acting Director Dr. Lawrence Tabak urging a phaseout of animal experiments. The bipartisan proposal suggests that the agency immediately eliminate funding for animal experiments that we know fail to translate to humans, identify all other areas in which animal experiments consistently fail and end funding for them, and prioritize funding modern, human-relevant research.

“As an animal lover and firm supporter of animal rights, it is deeply concerning to me to see the NIH’s continued funding of cruel and ineffective research on animals,” said Mace. “The animal experiments led by NIH have not resulted in treatments, vaccines, or cures for human diseases. NIH should focus on modernizing research beneficial for humans and work to phase out these unproductive and heartless experiments on animals.”

“Since I came to Congress, it has been a priority of mine to reduce the needless suffering of animals caused by costly and ineffective animal experiments,” said Lieu. “I’m pleased to join Representative Mace in calling on the NIH to phase out animal experiments, which often fail to lead to treatments, vaccines, and cures for human diseases. Last year, we saw the European Parliament take action to modernize scientific innovation without the use of animals in research and testing. It’s time for us to do the same. I’m honored to join in this bipartisan effort to protect innocent animals from useless suffering and look forward to the NIH’s response.”

Please sign our petition asking your members of Congress to introduce legislation enacting Research Modernization NOW.

—What You Can Do—

We need all lawmakers to understand how much money NIH currently wastes. Please sign our petition to your members of Congress urging them to introduce legislation enacting Research Modernization NOW which would mandate that NIH stop throwing away taxpayer money on cruel, useless experiments on animals and instead focus on modern, non-animal research methods.

PETA Releases New Roadmap for Research Modernization NOW

Sign Our Petition!
Pass Legislation to Enact Research Modernization NOW
I’m writing as your constituent to ask that you introduce legislation compelling the National Institutes of Health to implement the strategy of PETA’s Research Modernization NOW and stop wasting taxpayer money on cruel, useless experiments on animals. Research Modernization NOW is available at

More than at any other time in history, Americans now recognize the need for research that will lead to treatments, cures, and vaccines. The most recent independent study shows that a staggering 90% of basic research, most of which involves animals, fails to lead to treatments for humans. But NIH squanders an estimated 47% of its grant budget— $23 billion in 2023—on animal experiments.

Billions of dollars in research grants and private sector investments are failing to lead to effective treatments for many of the diseases that kill and incapacitate humans. Research Modernization NOW provides a roadmap for revitalizing the U.S. biomedical research enterprise. Will you introduce legislation compelling NIH to enact this plan?

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