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Take a Stand Against the Dairy Industry's Treatment of Cows
Take a Stand Against the Dairy Industry’s Treatment of Cows | REVOLT!


Dairy sales are drying up as plant-based milks, ice creams, cheeses, and yogurts fly off the shelves. The way people view animals and food is changing faster than ever before. Are you part of the revolution?

When all the things that the dairy industry tries to hide can be seen with the click of a mouse, people’s eyes are opened—as are their hearts. Every day, more and more people discover just what it takes to make a single glass of milk or slice of cheese. But what exactly is taking place on dairy farms?

See for yourself.

So, do you really want to know how milk gets from the udder to your mouth?

Keep scrolling to discover what they don’t want you to see: A typical cow’s day-to-day life—and death—in the dairy industry.

The Pregnancy Gun

Revolt! These videos show why people are going dairy-free

Did you know that female cows produce milk only when they’re pregnant or nursing?

They make milk for the same reason that human women do: to feed their babies. But because the demand for dairy products requires a constant supply of milk, cows on dairy farms are impregnated through artificial insemination to jump start the process—and to keep it going. After their newborn calves are forcibly and traumatically taken from them, the milk the mother cows produce is shipped off for human consumption, and the whole ordeal begins again.

Watch now:

You can keep scrolling to learn more about what cattle used for milk and cheese go through, but if you’re ready to join the dairy-free revolution now, jump down to see how you can start helping cows immediately.

Maximizing Lactation for Profit

Take a Stand Against the Dairy Industry’s Treatment of Cows | REVOLT!

Did you know that the average cow today produces
more than four times as much milk as a cow did in 1950?

Female cows spend their lives riding out one pregnancy after another—ensuring that the milk supply is always flowing. Through the use of intense milking regimes (mother cows are usually hooked up to milking machines two or more times a day) and sometimes drugs, the animals’ reproductive systems are pushed to the limit, and they’re forced to produce much more milk than they naturally would.

Watch now:

Millions of gentle animals endure this treatment in the production of milk, cheese, yogurt, and other dairy products. They need your support now.

Transitioning Calves for Assignment

male calves suffer in the dairy industry as well

The videos above shed some light on what happens to female calves and cows in the dairy industry, but did you know that most males are slaughtered far short of their natural life expectancies?

Because male calves are useless to dairy farmers, they are taken from their mothers when they’re less than a day old. Most are kept alone in cramped pens or tiny crates, longing for the comfort of their mothers until they are shipped to slaughter to be made into veal.

Watch now:

Every year, 30 million cows are shipped to slaughterhouses and killed.

 You can help cows today, and we can help you get started.

Join the Revolution!

Switching to Non-Dairy Milks Is Easier Than Ever

Vegan beverages made from soy, nuts, grains, and other plants are not only delicious but also free of the artery-clogging cholesterol that comes in every glass of dairy milk. More importantly, they’re increasingly available in grocery store chains all over the country. Get all the information on plant-based milk you’ll need by checking out this
guide to vegan brands.

Wear Your Heart on Your Sleeve 

You can take the revolution to the streets by wearing any of these great anti-dairy message tees and accessories. They’re perfect conversation starters, and profits from sales go directly toward supporting PETA’s vital work for animals.

anti-dairy-industry merch, peta revolt campaign

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Spread the word about what’s happening to cows in the dairy industry. And if you’re looking for more ways to help animals, order a free vegan starter kit now—it’s packed with recipes and tips to help you revolutionize your life.

Take a Stand Against the Dairy Industry’s Treatment of Cows | REVOLT!
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