What on Earth Are Sky Puppies?
Pigeons are savvy, personable city dwellers with interesting lives. It’s time we gave them a public relations makeover. Let’s see … we need a name that will reflect their intelligence, their spunk, and their lovability. Got it!
How about “sky puppies”?
Think about it: They poop in public, beg for food, and recognize people who are nice to them, and just like dogs, they’ve lived alongside humans for thousands of years. So what if pigeons eat off the ground? If you think that’s weird, apparently you’ve never lived with a dog.

Pigeons Need a New Image
The only reason we treat pigeons differently from our beloved dogs is because of speciesism— the misguided idea that one species is more important than another. No one in their right mind would dare poison a cute little puppy or shoot dozens of dogs for “sport.” But this happens to pigeons a lot. When all they want is to live out their lives free from human interference and cruelty, just like the puppies of this world.
We want folks to realize there’s no important difference between land and sky puppies.

Sky puppies can understand space and time, and given their unique brain structure, we’re not even sure how! They are math whizzes of the animal kingdom and can distinguish between number groups and learn abstract mathematical rules. We’ve only seen two other species on Earth do this: humans and rhesus monkeys.

These Fidos of flight have a culture, can be superstitious, partner for life, and are wonderful parents. Sky puppies even pass the self-awareness “mirror test” which only a handful of other animals have done. They can recognize all 26 letters of the English alphabet, and as city dwellers, they’re great problem solvers.

Never forget: Human beings stole pigeons from their homes and forced them to live in our society. Pigeons must scavenge and try to survive in places that they weren’t adapted to live in. So the next time someone gets upset about pigeon droppings, we hope they’ll remember that humans defecated on the streets of our modern cities for years before someone came up with a sewer system. Pigeons don’t have the luxury of indoor plumbing!
Share these images on social media to show your support for sky puppies, and tell everyone you know to do the same! Once everyone knows pigeons as sky puppies, these lovable birds will finally get the recognition they deserve and take their rightful place alongside beloved doves, who, after all, are literally from the same family as pigeons.
Pledge to Protect Sky Puppies
Protect sky puppies by pledging never to tolerate seeing kids chase or harass them, to stick up for them when other humans are trying to hurt them, and to prevent them from being harmed by cats. Also, call pigeons “sky puppies” whenever you can, and encourage your friends and family to do so as well!
By taking our pledge, you’ll send a powerful message to the world by stating that pigeons deserve our respect and to live out their best lives free from human cruelty, just like all other animals.