Take Rapid Action to End the Upcharge for Vegan Milks

Peet’s, Dunkin, and other coffee companies are continuing to upcharge for vegan milks, making ethical, environmentally-friendly, and healthy options less accessible and encouraging the consumption of milk from exploited cows.
The dirty dairy industry treats mother cows like machines instead of feeling individuals, forcibly manually impregnating them and then ripping their babies away from them so that humans can steal their milk.
These companies must stop penalizing consumers for making the compassionate choice!
If you’re ready to start taking action to end the upcharge of vegan milks, you’ve come to the perfect place. Below, you can quickly complete several urgent PETA action alerts with the click of a button.

Urge Peet’s to End the Vegan Milk Upcharge
There are multiple opportunities to take action. As soon as you complete one action alert targeting a coffee company that continues to upcharge for vegan milk options, another will appear in its place. After you enter your personal information, just continue to click the “send message” button until you’ve completed all of them.
Once you’ve taken every action, be sure to share this page with your friends, family members, and social media followers. Encourage them to join you—and tens of thousands of other compassionate people—in making the world a kinder place for dairy cows. It is time for these companies to stop prioritizing profit over animals, the planet, and consumers’ health.