Try Something New With PETA’s 3-Week Vegan Challenge

There’s no better time to make positive changes for animals, the planet, and yourself—and the easiest way to do that is by going vegan right now! Take part in PETA’s 3-Week Vegan Challenge to kick-start your journey. We’ll send you weekly e-mails full of delicious vegan recipes, shopping tips, a vegan meal plan, and tons of other resources.


Take PETA’s 3-Week Vegan Challenge for Animals
Animals are unique individuals with their own wants and needs. The notion that humans are entitled to exploit their bodies is rooted in speciesism, the misguided belief that one species is more important than another. When we see all animals as deserving of respect, we understand that we must change our personal choices in order to stop contributing to their suffering.

Take PETA’s 3-Week Vegan Challenge for the Environment
Are you ready to put your money where your mouth is by fighting climate change in the most effective way possible? Raising animals for food requires massive amounts of land, food, energy, and water, in addition to exploiting animals. Plus, the billions of chickens, turkeys, pigs, and cows crammed on farms produce enormous amounts of methane that gets trapped in the atmosphere. All other personal actions for the environment pale in comparison to the impact that going vegan has on the planet.
Take PETA’s 3-Week Vegan Challenge for Your Own Health
Going vegan reduces your risk of suffering from some of the leading causes of death in the U.S., including heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. Vegan foods provide us with all the nutrients that we need, without all the cholesterol and contaminants found in animal flesh, eggs, and dairy. Eating animal-derived foods has also been linked to an increased risk of suffering from Alzheimer’s disease, obesity, and strokes. In addition, scientists have found that vegans have stronger immune systems and fewer chronic diseases, which means you’ll be less vulnerable to illnesses such as the flu and other viruses.


Each week, we’ll send you resources that will guide you through the kindest decision that you’ve ever made, including our three-week meal plan, simple vegan recipes, product recommendations, and tips for dining out. After going vegan for three weeks, you’ll be a pro at finding vegan options at your favorite restaurants, eating vegan on a budget, and meeting all of your nutrition needs. So what are you waiting for?