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Global Compassion Fund News

PETA staffer and woman with her dog at Cancun spay-a-thon

From rescue work and spay/neuter programs to innovative outreach and educational campaigns, PETA’s Global Compassion Fund helps extend our vital work for animals into communities around the world.

A teal and green background

March 26, 2024

Mexico’s Homeless-Animal Crisis Is a Huge Problem—Here’s How PETA’s ‘Fixing’ It

PETA’s taking on the animal overpopulation and homelessness crises one city at a time, and in March, we “fixed” a total of 499 companion cats and dogs in Chichimilá and Cancún, Mexico! You won’t want to miss these sweet images of the patients and their guardians:

Guardians in Mexico cradle their sleeping dogs after retrieving them from surgery.
Read More Spay/Neuter Updates

March 15, 2024

Hundreds of Dogs and Cats Helped in the Philippines

PETA Asia has been hosting high-volume spay/neuter clinics throughout Manila to help the many animals living there who are forced to give birth on the streets. Surgeries can be costly, so support from PETA’s Global Compassion Fund makes them accessible and free for those who wouldn’t be able to afford them otherwise. At a clinic in Punta, the team sterilized 422 animals!

March 3, 2024

Spaying Like There’s No Mañana in Surquillo, Peru

Fifty-one dogs and cats will not be contributing to Peru’s homeless animal crisis, thanks to a PETA-supported pop-up clinic this month. The volunteers who run the clinic have been helping animals in indigent areas of Peru where spay/neuter surgeries are costly.

July 1, 2023

Record-Breaking Number of Animals Sterilized at Field Clinic

Teams in the Philippines sterilized an impressive total of 407 dogs and cats at a recent field clinic, breaking their record for the number of animals helped at a single event. And an extra veterinarian joined them, expanding their reach.

April 26, 2023

Team Revisits Cyclone-Hit Area for Spay/Neuter Clinic

A team of animal advocates supported by PETA’s Global Compassion Fund was back in northern Peru after Cyclone Yaku, which had devastated the area, to host a high-volume spay/neuter clinic for the many homeless dogs and cats in the community. The team was able to help 250 animals and is planning its next low-cost clinic in Lima, another impoverished area.

March 17, 2023

Spay-a-Thons: Making Great Change in Peru

It’s time to celebrate! More than 100 dogs and cats were recently sterilized in Peru, thanks to a committed group of animal advocates in Lima supported by PETA’s Global Compassion Fund.

They’ve been operating volunteer-run clinics serving low-income neighborhoods since 2014. It’s an enormous task, but their team has already made huge inroads, spaying or neutering 1,300 animals to date. More low-cost/free clinics are coming up soon.

January 27, 2023

No More Concrete: PETA Helped Simon Find a New ‘Leash’ on Life in Mexico

With support from PETA’s Global Compassion Fund, fieldworkers returned to Mexico this week for another spay-a-thon to help combat the Cancún area’s massive companion animal overpopulation crisis, but that’s not all!

After meeting up with a local partner shelter, fieldworkers put their expertise to work for dogs in desperate need of care, shelter, and a bit of affection. The team has spent the past several days helping dogs like Simon, whom they found confined to a concrete slab by a short, heavy chain.

The Spay/Neuter Event in Cancún Had Some Pawsome Visitors

More than 170 dogs and cats won’t be contributing to Mexico’s deadly homeless-animal overpopulation crisis, thanks to a massively successful two-day spay/neuter event hosted by PETA Latino in Cancún. The Spay-a-Thon took place in the neighborhood of Colonia El Pedregal at a local elementary school and was the fourth of six clinics PETA Latino has organized in the area this year.

Spay-a-Thons in the Philippines Reach Over 500 Companion Animals!

PETA Asia and its partners have resumed hosting spay-a-thons across the Philippines now that pandemic restrictions have been lifted. At two recent events, the team sterilized and vaccinated a total of more than 500 animals in Cainta and Malibay. Teams are setting up field clinics each month, reaching indigent communities across the country.

‘Frisky Feline’ Sofía Sisniega Leads Spay-a-Thon for Cats in Cancún

PETA Latino headed back to Mexico over the weekend and joined forces with Cancún municipal animal shelter Dirección de Protección y Bienestar Animal and actor Sofía Sisniega for a spay-a-thon to help nip “kitten season” in the bud.

PETA Latino Shares the Love With Dogs in Cancún on Valentine’s Day

PETA Latino spayed or neutered 217 lucky dogs in Cancún on Valentine’s Day, helping to reduce the number of homeless companion animals. PETA Latino sponsored the event on February 14 and 15 in honor of actor Kate del Castillo’s work to combat companion animal overpopulation. Now, that’s true love!

© Daniel Gómez

Lifesaving Care Given by PETA in Chichimilá, Mexico

PETA staff and a talented team of veterinarians made their way to Chichimilá, Mexico, with a mission: to help nip the homeless-animal crisis in the bud. The crew, supported by a generous donation from the Dancing Star Foundation, set up a temporary spay/neuter clinic and helped inform community members about the needs of their animal companions.

Curbing the Homeless Dog and Cat Crisis in Cancún, Mexico

Earlier this year, with the help of the city government, we sponsored a hugely popular, free spay/neuter event, sterilizing 136 dogs and 64 cats in just two days—and now we’re back to help again. The municipal animal shelter, Dirección de Protección y Bienestar Animal—along with the support of a PETA representative—held two smaller clinics in Cancún that provided 120 more cats and dogs with spay/neuter procedures, all free of charge.

March 20, 2024

Victory! 150th Animal Rescued From Hard Labor Through PETA India’s Delhi Mechanisation Project

After recently mechanizing the Assam Timber Market in Nangloi, Delhi, so that it will no longer run on animal labor, PETA India celebrated the historic rescue of the 150th animal from a life of hard labor there during an event held today in Shahid Chandrashekhar Park, Delhi.

Read More Rescue Updates

February 15, 2024

Dog Trapped in a Wall—WATCH What Happens Next!

For nearly a month, a dog in the Philippine city of Dasmariñas was trapped in a wall. Somehow, the dog was sealed into the wall when the previous tenant left and construction work was done on the unit. When the new tenant heard barking coming from inside the wall, they reported it to officials. The dog, whom PETA Asia named Wally, survived by drinking water from an open drainage canal. The dog was emaciated and had many wounds, likely from attempting to break free. After a brief stay with a local veterinarian for treatment, Wally went into foster care while the team got to work looking for a loving home. Watch his remarkable story!

October 18, 2023

PETA Germany Celebrates Five Years of Helping Animals in Romania

The PETA Helps Romania team recently commemorated its fifth anniversary, marking half a decade of combatting the homeless animal crisis in Romania and helping alleviate animals’ suffering. PETA Germany and its Romanian partner, Eduxanima, have made extraordinary progress for the country’s estimated 600,000 stray dogs, thanks to support from PETA’s Global Compassion Fund.

September 10, 2023

Earthquake in Morocco Upends Life as Animals Knew It

PETA’s Global Compassion Fund rushed support to Morocco Animal Aid after an earthquake destroyed its animal shelter. The donation will help rebuild a collapsed wall. Fortunately, no one was injured!

August 3, 2023

Horse Impaled on Fence

PETA India filed a complaint with the Kolkata police after a 2-year-old horse became impaled on a fence at the Maidan, reportedly as he was trying to access food, sustaining a large wound to his stomach, through which his intestines spilled out.

In the complaint, PETA India details that after learning of the injury, Radhika Bose, head of the CAPE Foundation, contacted the West Bengal Animal Resources Development Department (ARDD) and the police seeking their urgent assistance. Officers directed that the horse be taken to Belgachia Veterinary Hospital, as no ARDD veterinarian came forward to treat the horse on site. Accordingly, the horse was loaded onto a truck and transported to the hospital (which is about 10 kilometers away from the site of the incident) without being given any sedatives, worsening his condition and causing him extreme suffering.

May 16, 2023

All Animals Seized From the Karur Latha Circus

Following a complaint from PETA India, authorities seized a camel, a pony, three dogs, a baby bonnet macaque, and a goat who were suffering from neglected wounds. Global Compassion Fund donors helped PETA India arrange for them to go to permanent sanctuary homes that are equipped to help them recover from the trauma of their horrid life in the circus.

March 23, 2023

A Team in Peru Helps Animal Victims of Cyclone Yaku

A Global Compassion Fund–backed team in Peru provided food and clean water to about 200 animals after a cyclone destroyed homes in northern Peru. A veterinarian on the team vaccinated the animals and provided topical flea and tick medications.

October 24, 2022

Animals Seized From Ajanta Circus After PETA India Complaint

Ranchi police raided the circus, seized several animals, and registered a first information report against its proprietor. The animals seized in the raid – three adult spitz dogs, three puppies, and a brown stallion – are being examined for health issues and will be rehabilitated by PETA India.

June 29, 2022

PETA’s Rescue Team Returns to Puerto Rico

Five years after PETA’s Animal Rescue Team rushed to help the island’s overwhelmed animal shelters after being devastated by Hurricane Maria, the team has returned to help shelters once again! They are on site right now and have been assisting shelters in Cabo Rojo and Vieques—spending most of their time working with the animal rescue Santuario de Animales San Francisco de Asís.

March 1, 2022

Help During Unprecedented Flooding in Australia

As tens of thousands of people in New South Wales are evacuating their homes during that state’s worst flooding in more than a decade, PETA’s Global Compassion Fund is helping a local shelter that has partnered with PETA Australia to rescue animals from the disaster.

August 1, 2021

PETA India Uncovers Cruel Horse-Drawn Carriage Rides in Kolkata

Horses in Kolkata forced to haul carriages for tourists’ joy rides were discovered by PETA India to be severely malnourished and in need of urgent veterinary care. The report has been submitted to the West Bengal government for immediate intervention.

Horses in Kolkata forced to haul carriages for tourists’ joy rides
Horses in Kolkata forced to haul carriages for tourists’ joy rides.

May 7, 2024

A PETA Supporter’s Generous Commitment to Working Donkeys and Horses

Follow Julie’s inspiring journey—from witnessing suffering to sparking changeto help improve the lives of donkeys and horses in Petra, Jordan.

Read More Outreach Updates

April 10, 2024

Actors Aindrita Ray and Diganth Manchale Join PETA India in Donating a Life-Size Mechanical Elephant to a Monastery

An ancient monastery in India recently received a major upgrade, thanks to PETA India and actors Aindrita Ray and Diganth Manchale, who presented the temple with a life-size mechanical elephant named Shiva. Get all the details on this wonderful news for elephants here.

March 17, 2024

Lifelike Mechanical Robot the First of Its Kind in Kochi, India

PETA India and actor Priyamani donated a life-size mechanical elephant named Mahadevan to the Thrikkayil Mahadeva Temple in Kochi in recognition of the temple’s decision never to own or hire live elephants. Watch Mahadevan’s spectacular welcome!

January 12, 2024

Gemini Circus Makes History as First in India to Introduce Robotic Animals, Awarded by PETA India

“Gemini Circus is doing the right thing by using technology instead of sad and confused animals to perform tricks,” says PETA India Deputy Director of Advocacy Projects Harshil Maheshwari. “PETA India thanks Gemini Circus for being the first in India to take this positive step, thereby refusing to cause suffering to animals. We encourage everyone to support circuses that feature non-animal technology and consenting human performers.”

July 11, 2023

The Great Big Move of 2023 for Animal Rahat

Global Compassion Fund–supported Animal Rahat needs all the help it can get to relocate some 200 animals in India after the country’s Supreme Court ruled that the land its sister sanctuary is located on must become part of a protected elephant corridor. The group has just a few weeks to relocate the animals safely and arrange for their care at new locations—all in the middle of monsoon season!

June 21, 2023

Cats in Syria Get an Improved Shelter

Supplying resources to help animals in war-torn Syria is no easy feat. Recently, tenacious teams guided shelter workers in improving the roofing over an area for rescued cats with materials obtained thanks to support from PETA’s Global Compassion Fund.

June 12, 2023

Herd of ‘Camels’ Protest Against Animal Abuse in Egypt

Over a dozen PETA Asia supporters wearing giant camel masks brandished signs outside the Egyptian embassy in Manila proclaiming, “Ban cruel animal rides now!” to urge the Egyptian government to prohibit the use of horses and camels for transporting tourists at the pyramids of Giza.

Newly released footage from PETA Asia shows that camels used for tourist rides are routinely beaten and bound at Egypt’s notorious Birqash Camel Market, and the group has shared multiple videos of the abuse with the country’s Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities. The ministry previously pledged to ban the use of horses at tourist sites and replace them with electric carts, but it has failed to keep its promise.

May 2, 2023

Help for Animals in Afghanistan Powered by the Global Compassion Fund

An animal clinic in Afghanistan was able to provide more animals in need with emergency relief, routine care, shelter, and adoption, thanks to a generous grant from PETA’s Global Compassion Fund. The clinic’s team—including veterinarians, assistants, and veterinary technicians—used this vital support to perform spay/neuter surgeries and vaccinations, deliver food for homeless animals, and more. The more than 70 cats in their care are having a catastic time perching on their new cat trees and wall fixtures while they wait to be adopted!

© Kabul Small Animal Rescue

April 25, 2023

PETA Germany Receives Animal Protection Award for Its Work in Ukraine

A PETA Germany team’s many deliveries of food for dogs, cats, horses, and other animals since the beginning of the war in Ukraine have saved countless lives—especially during the harsh winter months. To recognize the team’s determination and grit while orchestrating a steady supply of food each month, UAnimals and Humanna Kraina honored the group with this year’s All-Ukrainian Animal Protection Award.

December 31, 2022

PETA Helps Romania

In Romania, where the country’s overwhelming homeless-animal crisis puts the lives of thousands of dogs and cats at risk, PETA Germany and its partner Eduxanima are running a massive program to help them, reaching more than 7,500 animals during the last year alone! The PETA Helps Romania program provides free spay/neuter surgeries, lifesaving operations and treatments, sturdy doghouses, free veterinary care, and more. It’s also tackling the crisis through humane education in Romanian schools and working with lawmakers to create public policy to better protect animals.

September 28, 2022

PETA Asia Helps Animals After Typhoon Noru Devastates the Philippines

The moment PETA Asia rescuers could safely reach the area, they began looking for wounded animals. The team members then turned their focus to ensuring that those who had survived wouldn’t go hungry while waiting for power to be restored and stores to reopen. Many animal guardians were very grateful for the food PETA Asia distributed, including 175 pounds of cat food and 440 pounds of dog food. The team also treated several animals suffering from mange and other maladies.

July 28, 2022

PETA India Brings New Victorian-Style E-Carriage to Kolkata to Replace Horses Used to Haul Tourists

PETA India and partners the CAPE Foundation displayed a new Victorian-style e-carriage that could replace Kolkata’s horse-drawn vehicles as Mumbai has already done.

July 7, 2022

Visitors to the Greek Island of Santorini Won’t Miss These!

Animals in Santorini are still being exploited for “tourist attractions.” Check out these ads plastered on busses, trains, and taxis! Want to help? Take action and tell the Greek minister of agriculture to ban cruel donkey and mule rides on Santorini.

December 29, 2021

PETA Helps Animals Affected by Typhoon Rai

In the wake of Typhoon Rai (known in the Philippines as Typhoon Odette), PETA has been sending supplies to Bohol Animal Rescue & Kindness (BARK), which is distributing pet food on the island and rescuing animals in need of help. Another shipment of supplies from PETA will soon be sent to another rescue group in Cebu.

August 3, 2021

Animal Rahat’s Vital Work for Victims of Unprecedented Flooding

Recent historic flooding across the state of Maharashtra has put many animals in peril. Hundreds have been unable to reach food, and there’s been no one to feed them, but right now, Animal Rahat—a PETA-supported organization—is on the scene, providing them with food and veterinary care.

Animal Rahat feeds starving dogs in the Raigad district after flooding cut off their food supply.
An Animal Rahat rescue worker carrying a dog to be sterilized.

February 8, 2024

Ellie Goes to Delhi!

Ellie is a marvel. This life-like animatronic elephant is on tour, visiting schools across Delhi to teach children the importance of kindness and empathy. Since her first tour in May 2023, Ellie has visited 66 international, private, public, and government-funded schools in 284 workshop sessions, reaching a whopping 58,440 young learners throughout India!

Read More Humane Education Updates

October 1, 2023

German Princess Encourages Hungarian Politician to Support PETA Germany’s Humane Education Program for Children

Books and other empathy-building educational materials that highlight compassion for animals have been made available in Hungarian, thanks to PETA’ Global Compassion Fund supporters and a collaboration with Princess Maja von Hohenzollern. Péter Ovádi, Hungary’s minister for animal welfare, told the princess that he favors education that teaches love and respect for all animals.

March 6, 2023

PETA Honors Uganda’s First Vegan School

Students at Atlas Vegan Community School, Uganda’s first all-vegan primary school, are learning important lessons about how to be kind to animals. The school serves plant-powered meals, too! In recognition, TeachKind, PETA’s humane education division, sent it a Compassionate School Award, a generous monetary contribution from PETA’s Global Compassion Fund, and a box of educational supplies.

February 27, 2023

Kerala Temple Celebrated ‘Nadayiruthal’ of Lifelike Mechanical Elephant gifted by PETA India

Following Irinjadappilly Sree Krishna Temple’s compassionate pledge to never keep or hire live elephants or any other animals for rituals, festivities, or any other purpose, PETA India gifted an astonishing lifelike mechanical or “robotic” elephant, lovingly named Irinjadappilly Raman, who will now help conduct ceremonies at the temple in a safe and cruelty-free manner.

September 20, 2022

PETA India’s Compassionate Citizen Program Adapted for Schools in Islamabad

In an initiative for animal rights, PETA met with head of Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif’s Strategic Reforms Unit, Salman Sufi, who later announced a forthcoming humane education course that will be added to Islamabad’s school curriculum.

In related news, when Pakistan was recently impacted by deadly floods, the Global Compassion Fund sent aid to an animal shelter there dedicated to improving the lives of animals.

August 14, 2021

Promoting Vegan Eating in Estonia

With the support of PETA’s Global Compassion Fund, animal rights activists distributed delicious, free vegan food at a market in Viljandi, Estonia, to encourage shoppers to embrace animal-friendly eating. The event helped dozens of people learn more about healthy vegan foods and garnered great coverage by local media outlets."

Donate Now!

PETA’s Global Compassion Fund is funded exclusively by the contributions of kind individuals like you. Your gift is helping entities and partners create positive, sustainable change in corners of the Earth where animals desperately need us—and may have no other hope.

Your generous support helps make the world a better place for all beings. Please, give what you can today.

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