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Ukraine Updates

ARK rescuing dog in flooding in Ukraine
© Animal Rescue Kharkiv

A teal and green background

A family of pigs living less than a mile from the front lines of the war in Ukraine were in constant danger due to heavy artillery fire—shots were being fired blindly into the area, killing anyone in their path. No humans remained in the surrounding houses to help care for the vulnerable animals. The Ukrainian military requested that Animal Rescue Kharkiv help evacuate the pig family, and a PETA-backed team arrived to help.

When the rescuers got there, one of the adult pigs was found dead from the artillery fire and all the surviving pigs were terrified. With much perseverance from the rescue team, nine adult pigs and eight piglets were safely evacuated.

Now, all the pigs are recovering in Animal Rescue Kharkiv’s care.

Two black pigs in stall

Support PETA’s Global Compassion Fund Today

Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, PETA Germany and its partners have been on the ground building a robust network of rescue workers—saving more than 16,500 cats, dogs, horses, and others so far. PETA’s Global Compassion Fund is supported exclusively by the contributions of kind individuals like you. Your gift is helping PETA entities and partners create positive, sustainable change in corners of the Earth where animals desperately need assistance—and may have no other hope.

Your generous support helps make the world a better place for all sentient beings. Please, give what you can today.

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PETA’s Global Compassion Fund is supported exclusively by the contributions of kind individuals like you. Your gift is helping PETA entities and partners create positive, sustainable change in corners of the Earth where animals desperately need assistance—and may have no other hope.

Your generous support helps make the world a better place for all beings. Please, give what you can today.

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