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Ukraine Updates

ARK rescuing dog in flooding in Ukraine
© Animal Rescue Kharkiv

A teal and green background

Less than a mile from Russian forces in Ukraine, three horses and several dogs were struggling for survival on an abandoned farm. There were several dead animals on the property amid the wreckage, and the survivors were left with no food. Thankfully, a Ukrainian soldier alerted Animal Rescue Kharkiv, and the PETA Global Compassion Fund–backed team rushed to the animals’ rescue.

How the PETA-Backed Team Rescued Animals Just in Time

When the rescue team arrived on the farm, they found that the animals were extremely distressed, likely because of the missiles that had pummeled their home. The PETA-backed team had to use sleeping pills to calm the dogs down and ensure their safe evacuation.

Crashed car and three horses in a field

The horses on the property were also in a state of panic. Even after luring the three of them into an aviary, the rescuers could only safely get one onto a trailer by the end of the day.

A tethered horse and a person holding a white dog

The resilient Animal Rescue Kharkiv team returned the next morning with additional help. After much coaxing, the rescuers loaded the final horses onto the trailer and took off just as a drone struck the property—thankfully, everyone made it out just in time!

A burning farm house

Support PETA’s Global Compassion Fund

Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine nearly three years ago, PETA Germany and its partners have been on the ground building a robust network of rescue workers—saving more than 20,000 cats, dogs, horses, and other animals so far. PETA’s Global Compassion Fund is supported exclusively by the contributions of kind individuals like you. Your gift is helping PETA entities and partners create positive, sustainable changes in corners of the Earth where animals desperately need assistance—and may have no other hope.

Your generous support helps make the world a better place for all sentient beings. Please, give what you can today.

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PETA’s Global Compassion Fund is supported exclusively by the contributions of kind individuals like you. Your gift is helping PETA entities and partners create positive, sustainable change in corners of the Earth where animals desperately need assistance—and may have no other hope.

Your generous support helps make the world a better place for all beings. Please, give what you can today.

Support PETA’s Global Compassion Fund