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Ukraine Updates

ARK rescuing dog in flooding in Ukraine
© Animal Rescue Kharkiv

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For a heart-wrenching 882 days, dogs, cats, and other animals in Ukraine have been living a nightmare. As bombs explode and buildings crumble, animals are desperately seeking any shelter they can find from the chaos. Watch as the PETA-supported Animal Rescue Kharkiv team risks it all to pull off the rescue of a staggering 135 traumatized animals from a war zone in just 72 hours!

How PETA-supported teams have been lifesaving heroes for animals in Ukraine since the onset of the war:

  • They’ve rescued more than 16,500 dogs, cats, horses, goats, sheep, pigs, and others, losing three vehicles to bombs in the process.
  • Despite often almost insurmountable obstacles, they’ve delivered more than 3.5 million pounds of food and other provisions to animals in need.
  • They’ve reunited 60% of rescued animals with their guardians who were forced to flee and transported the remaining 40% to partner shelters in Europe.
  • PETA’s Global Compassion Fund helped establish a veterinary clinic in October 2022. Up to 130 seriously injured and ill animals are operated on and given the best possible care there every day.
  • More than 80 PETA-supported employees work on site to care for the animals there and rescue 50 to 70 animals each day.

Contributions to PETA’s Global Compassion Fund are the lifeblood of this vital work, making it all possible:

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