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Ukraine Updates

ARK rescuing dog in flooding in Ukraine
© Animal Rescue Kharkiv

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As the sun comes up, the rescue team, which has been driving for hours, finally crosses into Hungary. They wait for the border guards to check passports while keeping their eyes peeled for any stray animals. Some homeless animals have formed a pack the guards feed, so the team gathers the ones they can in order to help them have a chance at a much better life.

On their way to partner animal shelters in Hungary, a group of sleepy and patient dogs and cats is now one step closer to leaving the war and all its chaos behind. After being scooped up from war-torn cities—Kharkiv, Dnipro, and others—they’ve all successfully waited out the required quarantine period in Ukraine while a partner shelter there vaccinated them, tended to their wounds, and helped the team gather all the necessary paperwork and animal passports.

In Hungary, the team saw Lilly. She was sitting with two border guards who were sharing their bread with her. The soldiers told the team that Lilly was traveling alone—with no one to care for her. Her tail wagged, and she ran toward the team, allowing them to take her into their arms. After a friendly meet and greet, she jumped into the rescue van, where a warm place was waiting for her.

Since Lilly was on the Hungarian side of the border, she’ll have only a three-week quarantine at a partner shelter after being vaccinated for rabies. Then the team will move her to Germany, where they’re confident the sweet dog will find a loving family.

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