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Ukraine Updates

ARK rescuing dog in flooding in Ukraine
© Animal Rescue Kharkiv

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In an area of heavy fighting southeast of Kharkiv, PETA Germany and its partners arranged a five-day mission to get dogs and cats out of the war-torn region and across the border into Hungary. Some of the dogs had been badly injured—for instance, Sam, who desperately needed surgery because of a wound to one of his legs.

During the mission, a missile exploded just a street away as members of a partner organization—Animal Rescue Kharkiv—were loading animals into a rescue vehicle, terrifying the animals and the humans helping them. Fortunately, they all made it safely to the border and were able to take a return shipment of topical parasite prevention and rescue carriers that they’ll help distribute to many animal shelters in need there.

Here are some of the faces of animals who have survived gunfire, missile strikes, and many other devastating manifestations of war. They’re now waiting out their quarantine periods at partner shelters in Hungary before they can be transported to Germany for adoption. (Sam is at PETA Germany’s partner animal clinic in Hungary receiving care for his leg.)

“The look the animals give us when they jump into our arms and do not want to let us go, acknowledging they know they are being saved by our work—that is worth all the effort.”

—A PETA Germany staffer

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