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Our Work in Peru

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March 3, 2024

Spaying Like There’s No Mañana in Surquillo, Peru

Fifty-one dogs and cats will not be contributing to Peru’s homeless animal crisis, thanks to a PETA-supported pop-up clinic this month. The volunteers who run the clinic have been helping animals in indigent areas of Peru where spay/neuter surgeries are costly.

April 26, 2023

Team Revisits Cyclone-Hit Area for Spay/Neuter Clinic

A team of animal advocates supported by PETA’s Global Compassion Fund was back in northern Peru after Cyclone Yaku, which had devastated the area, to host a high-volume spay/neuter clinic for the many homeless dogs and cats in the community. The team was able to help 250 animals and is planning its next low-cost clinic in Lima, another impoverished area.

A Team in Peru Helps Animal Victims of Cyclone Yaku 

A Global Compassion Fund–backed team in Peru provided food and clean water to about 200 animals after a cyclone destroyed homes in northern Peru. A veterinarian on the team vaccinated the animals and provided topical flea and tick medications. 

Spay-a-Thons: Making Great Change in Peru

It’s time to celebrate! More than 100 dogs and cats were recently sterilized in Peru, thanks to a committed group of animal advocates in Lima supported by PETA’s Global Compassion Fund.

They’ve been operating volunteer-run clinics serving low-income neighborhoods since 2014. It’s an enormous task, but their team has already made huge inroads, spaying or neutering 1,300 animals to date. More low-cost/free clinics are coming up soon.

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