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Our Work in Peru

August 4, 2024

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In many less-affluent areas of Peru, people struggle to afford expensive spay/neuter surgeries and other vital care for their animal companions. But a dedicated team of animal advocates in Lima, backed by PETA’s Global Compassion Fund, hosts free clinics in underserved areas to assist these animals and their families and stem the tide of animal homelessness. 

At their most recent clinic in Chilca, south of Lima, volunteers led by PETA Augustus Club member Maru Vigo worked well into the night, sterilizing 122 dogs and cats in just one day.

A group of volunteers

Maru is also pushing officials to make sterilization and other services for animals more accessible and affordable.

One unspayed female dog and her offspring can produce 67,000 puppies in just six years. In only seven years, one unspayed cat and her descendants can create a whopping 370,000 kittens. The answer is as simple as ABC: animal birth control. And Global Compassion Fund supporters are making real change happen.

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